About Us

Tools for HOPE is a site dedicated to help ordinary people evangelize (HOPE). We pray it will provide sufficient motivation, tools, techniques, and testimonies such that anyone who is a born-again Christian will be equipped to follow the great commission (Matthew 28: 19-20). Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

Tools for HOPE is a website created and maintained under the authority of Atlantic Region Ministries, and Pastors Alex Rockwell and Gary Harris provide the guidance and content thereof. The website was designed and is maintained by Chaplain Bob Semp.

Just a Minute is now reaching over 300,000 listeners each week. If you would like to assist with our expenses, and help make it possible to add new stations and reach more people with the positive message, you can send your gift to our Treasurer- Greg Croft, at 77 Lumberman Drive, Middle Sackville NS B4E 3A3. Alternatively, if you are able to, please e-transfer your gift to: arm91239justaminute@ gmail.com For a tax receipt please put your name and address in the comments box. Thank you and God Bless!!!

For listeners in the Halifax Regional Municipality of Nova Scotia area – JUST A MINUTE can be heard each weekday morning at 9 a.m. on Seaside FM Easy Listening. 105.9 on the dial.

5 thoughts on “About Us

    • Thanks, Bryan. Pastor Alex and I collaborated on this; I set up and maintain the site; Alex (and Joyce, and occasionally me) provide the daily devotionals (Just a Minute). Alex also has “Just a Minute” radio spots across Atlantic Canada, reaching many thousands of Canadians every day.


  1. Pastor Rockwell, I so enjoy hearing your “Just a minute” on CJLU in the mornings! My mom and her family held you in high regard and I’m sorry I never took advantage of the fact that for so many years you were a few minutes down the road preaching in the very building that now houses our church. Sorry I missed out on having your influence on our young family! May God richly bless your ministry and shine through you your whole life long!



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