Dec 23 – God’s Christmas Gift to All

Only two more shopping days until Christmas and you don’t have all your gifts purchased? What to give? Here are a few Christmas gift ideas from Dr. Charles Swindoll in his book, “Seasons of Life.”. Among them- Encourage an older person. Write a long overdue love note to someone dear. Release a grudge. Share a smile. Find the time to keep a promise you have made. Forgive an enemy. Give an apology if you were wrong. Offer to babysit for a tired mother. Turn the television off and talk to someone. Seek out a forgotten friend. Gladden the heart of some child. Yes, Christmas is a time for giving. God set the great example. The famous Bible verse, John 3:16 explains, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes on Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Jesus is God’s Christmas gift to all who recognize their spiritual bankruptcy and need of forgiveness and receive the Savior into their lives. Will you?

Pastor Alex Rockwell

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